Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on. But she’s worked with animation, both personally and professionally, and is currently in the process of producing two animated shorts. More recently, she’s been happy with her drawing tablet so she can create anywhere she happens to be. After all: digital painting isn’t changing much regardless of what software you choose. Early on, she liked to use mechanical pencils (nothing fancy), art markers, colored pencils, and brush pens for inking. While the title of this set may seem like it’s for older users, the brushes hold up remarkably well in newer versions of Photoshop. 835 Best Digital Painting Free Brush Downloads from the Brusheezy community. Sketching allows her to place more emphasis on flow and expression than on anatomical precision, and it reduces stiffness in her final drawings. Lois practices sketching and speed painting to continue improving her skills as a digital painter. When choosing brushes for a project, she usually picks one and sticks with it, since switching brushes takes her out of her flow.

Lois likes to keep it simple and doesn’t add too many tools that could disrupt her progress.

She took some art classes along the way through elementary and high school, and a bit in college, but is mostly a self-taught artist who finds inspiration in artwork she finds while browsing the Internet, watching movies and animated films, and taking walks through nature. Lois van Baarle has been drawing since before she can remember.